Saturday, January 3, 2009

39 Weeks

I didn't think I could be more sore than I was yesterday. Wellllll, I was very wrong. My calves are actually sore to the touch! I tried to use a heating pad on my calves as suggested by Michelle to see if that would help the soreness. Nope, no dice. I'm sure that they'll be better in the morning (boy, do I hope! :D)

I did abs (hanging, v-ups with 5 lbs between the knees, obliques and figure 8's with a medicine ball) and chest/tris with Joe. I increased weight on the incline dumbbell press, the cable flys, the close hand press, and the overhead extensions. All the others stayed the same. I had a headache today (because of the drizzly weather) so I didn't have as much energy as I usually do. I was amazed that I was able to increase at all.

Tomorrow is legs/shoulders again. As I said before, I hope the soreness is much better in the morning. I also start the new diet. I put everything into Excel for the next two weeks. I went to the store and picked up the items that I needed for the menu. There's not going to be a whole lot of variety but since I like simplicity, I'm sure it'll be okay. I did find some No Salt salt so I'm very happy!

I am doing the "Be the Change" 18 week challenge over at I will be tracking my progress against my goals for this challenge here on my blog. For today only, I've created another blog entry to record the goals and the progress to date.

I get my daughter back from her dad tomorrow! YAY! I am so excited about getting her back! I've REALLY missed that kid!

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